Library Acquisition Policy


ARCS Library. Collection Development Policy

October 2013

The library collection of the American Research Center in Sofia Library reflects the geographic, temporal and thematic scope of the ARCS mission. It ranks as one of the most important research libraries in Bulgaria. 

The ARCS library acquires materials in: 

  • art history, architectural/urban studies, archaeology, history, social history, cultural anthropology, sociology, and ethnography in the context of Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Albania from prehistory through the present day; 
  • ancient Greek and Latin philology and literature (all ancient authors and commentary on subjects pertinent to ARCS); 
  • epigraphy and other forms of texts related to the countries stated in the mission of ARCS in Greek, Latin, Old Church Slavonic, South Slavonic, and Ottoman Turkish for the period between Late Antiquity and the end of the Ottoman period. 

The library acquires volumes whose geographic or cultural focus falls outside the mission of ARCS, when the theory, methods, approaches and/or content are deemed relevant to Balkan studies. The most important geographic exceptions are the European portion of Turkey, northern Greece, Bosnia/Herzegovina and Croatia. 

The ARCS Library relies upon recommendations from ARCS Staff and Fellows, library readers and other scholars associated with the Center. ARCS staff regularly reviews printed and on-line catalogues; we subscribe to a small number of slip approval plans of distributors. 

Most printed materials are obtained new, while some used volumes are acquired through purchases or donations. The ARCS Library holds subscriptions to on-line resources and a number of printed journals and series. 

The ARCS Library welcomes gifts of books and journals which are appropriate for its collection as defined by the Acquisitions Policy.  Gifts are accepted with the understanding that the Library will make all decisions regarding their retention, location, cataloging, or any other consideration relating to their use. A letter from the Library will be sent to acknowledge all gifts.